The Communication Builder

At Leadership Development Group, we are passionate about drama free relationships. And we know being drama free means having high levels of trust and communication skills. Do any of the questions below resonate with you?

Do you spend more time arguing with your spouse than enjoying time together? 

Do you keep falling short of expectations? 

Are you just starting out and wanting to get on the right foot with communications? 

We have a tool that can dramatically change the way you communicate with your spouse.

We created the Communication Builder, a program that utilizes a complex psychometric survey instrument with 32 in-depth questions to help couples learn the best way to communicate.

After completing the assessment, you will enjoy a 30-minute consultation with a certified executive coach to walk you through your results.

You will walk away with an action plan to communicate with your spouse according to their needs.

The Communication Builder is available for $149. Once purchasing the program, you will receive an email within 24 business hours inviting you to take the survey. 

What are you waiting for? Let's get started.


50% Complete

Two Step

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